Mix-n-Match Recipes

BookCoverImageMix-n-Match Recipes: Creative Ideas for Today’s Busy Kitchens

Released: May 4th, 2015
Paperback: 44 pages
ISBN-13: 978-0692429679
ISBN-10: 0692429670
List Price: $6.99
To order your copy of Mix-n-Match Recipes via Amazon.com, simply click on the book cover’s image or click here.


Welcome to the world of Mix-n-Match Recipes. Making a real meal out of assorted odds and ends from the pantry and refrigerator? Is it possible? Is it even edible? You bet it is! “Happiness is making the most of what you have.” Not only is it a good motto to live by, it’s also an accurate description of the philosophy behind this book’s collection of recipes. The concept of Mix-n-Match Recipes is making the most of what you have in your pantry, refrigerator, and freezer.

Do you remember that old children’s story, Stone Soup? Everyone came along and threw a little of this and a little of that into the pot with the stone, and before their eyes, the first unofficial Mix and Match soup was born! And remember how much they all loved it? Contributing something to the finished product goes a long way toward increasing a child’s enjoyment of their meal.

Just think of Mix-n-Match cooking as an art form all its own. This book will give you the general guidelines and starting points—you take it from there and see what tasty concoctions your kitchen has hiding in the dark recesses of its shelves and drawers. To get started using this book, you won’t need to run out to the store to stock up on hard to find ingredients. Just pick from what you already have on hand.

Save time, save money, and save your sanity!

Read an excerpt here:  Cream-of-Whatever Soup Substitute


Deborah Taylor-Hough is the author of a number of books including the popular Frugal Living for Dummies® (Wiley), The Original Simple Mom’s Idea Book (Simple Pleasures Press), and the bestselling Frozen Assets cookbook series (SourceBooks).


What People are Saying About Mix-n-Match Recipes:

  • Mix and Match Recipes is a tiny treasure of a cookbook that will get you in and out of the kitchen in a hurry. The recipe for the Mix and Match Fruit Crisp is worth the price of the book! I love this recipe, especially served with ice cream.” – The Rebecca Review
  • “I love the mix and match soup recipe. The only soup I remember my mother making was a big deal all day soup. Thanks to mix and match, I have learned how easy soup is to make.” – Mary Beth
  • “For many years I’ve cooked from the original Mix and Match Recipes: Creative Recipes for Busy Kitchens and I was so happy to find her book reprinted and also in the Kindle format. I use the Kindle reading app on my iPad meaning I can quickly check recipe ingredients while I’m shopping. I can also use my iPad while cooking in the kitchen, if needed. This cookbook is tried and true (TNT) and the recipe combinations are endless.” – Amazon reader
  • “A ‘must-have’ for all home cooks, especially new ones! I’m adding this book to my list of gifts to give at Bridal Showers. If you’re like me, you have days when you stare into the pantry wondering what to make for dinner. There’s food in there but does it make a meal? With this helpful little book, I’ve been able to go to the cupboard and pull together a complete meal for my family without running to the store for missing ingredients. My two favorite ideas in this book are the Master Skillet Meal and Master Soup recipes. A bit of this, a dab of that, throw it all in the pot or skillet, cook for awhile, and dinner’s served. I’ll never buy those convenient pre-packaged boxed dinners for tuna or hamburger again!” – A customer

BookCoverImageMix-n-Match Recipes: Creative Ideas for Today’s Busy Kitchens is available in both paperback and Kindle ebook formats.

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