Contest #4 – Favorite Parenting Tips

*Contest has ended but the responses are still available in the Comment section.*

Announcing the fourth book giveaway contest from Simple Pleasures Press!  Throughout the month of June 2015, to celebrate the beginning of summer, we’ve been running a series of giveaway contests. This week is the Grand Prize!  The lucky winner will receive one copy of EACH of these five books currently published by Simple Pleasures Press:  A Twaddle-Free Education, The Original Simple Mom’s Idea Book, Habits: The Mother’s Secret to Success, The Outdoor Life of Children, AND Mix-n-Match Recipes!

A Twaddle-Free Education 41rIlTMZdiL Habits The Outdoor Life of Children BookCoverImage

To enter the Grand Prize contest, all you need to do is submit Your Favorite Parenting Tip in the comment section of this blog post. Contest Rules:

  1. Leave a comment on this blog page containing Your Favorite Parenting Tip.  (Only one entry per person will count toward the contest.)  One winner will be chosen at random.
  2. Be sure to fill out the email address section of the comment form so I’ll have a way to contact you if you’re the winner.  (The prize will be sent via snail mail, so when I contact the winner, they’ll need to provide a valid mailing address — but please don’t leave your snail mail address in the comment section!).

So, that’s it.  Easy peasy. Official entries for this giveaway will close at Midnight (Pacific Standard Time) on Friday, June 26th, 2015.  At some point during the day on Saturday, June 27th 2015, I’ll choose a random number using an online random number generator.  Whoever’s entry is located at that number’s spot in the comment list will be the Grand Prize winner!

Remember:  You need to enter your comment and parenting tip between Monday morning (when this blog post went live) and before Midnight of the following Friday to be eligible.  The comment section will remain open indefinitely, however — so people can feel free to share their ideas just for the fun of it — but ONLY those comments posted BEFORE midnight on Friday will be actually entered into the official drawing.

So, are you ready?

Then let’s go! ———->  What’s YOUR favorite parenting tip?


Hope you enjoyed our contests this month!  Have a great summer, everyone!

98 thoughts on “Contest #4 – Favorite Parenting Tips

  1. Amy says:

    Just slow down, take time to enjoy your children. There really is no race to see who finishes first. There is also no real finish, your babies are always your babies.

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  2. Sarah Cramer says:

    Two words: Go Outside!! No matter the weather – invest in some good outdoor gear for the family instead of buying electronic toys, ipads or whatever. Being outdoors is the best thing for kids, and even for me – when everyone is cranky, when your patience is at its limit, when the laundry is to the ceiling and everyone is asking what’s for dinner – just take a few minutes and step outside. There is a whole world out there, take a break and take it in 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Nicol says:

    My favorite tip is routine charts. I have three charts that we use daily, morning routines, afternoon, and evenings. For my non-readers I have the chart done completely with pictures. Everyone knows what is expected and no excuses that they forgot. It has made things run so much smoother in our house.

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  4. Tricia says:

    My favorite parenting tip is to ask questions instead of lecturing. Asking questions forces the child to do the thinking. Lecturing just goes in one ear and out the other. Thinking for themselves is a skill necessary for life and puts the burden on them rather than the parent.

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  5. Jannae H. says:

    Don’t try to fill up your kids’ life with extra activities out if the home. If you get too many you won’t have time to enjoy the slow moments of life. Have a good balance.

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  6. Krysti says:

    Kids are not born knowing, they need to be taught. Don’t wonder why or how they could do something or what they were thinking. Remember to teach them the social skills and how to treat others because they really may not know what is expected.

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  7. Rebecca Bustillo says:

    Every one of your kids are different. They will each need different things from you. Take time to get to know each one’s love language….what encourages them, what makes them feel special? And let each child feel free to follow their interests instead of pushing them into what you think they should do. My husband and I are learning this right now. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  8. edeemarie says:

    Treat each child as an individual. There is no “one-size-fits-all” when it comes to parenting techniques. And make sure your child knows you love them for who they are, not for who you want them to be.

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  9. Erin says:

    If you’re having a rough day doing school, don’t get frustrated or short tempered with your little learners. Instead, dress for the weather and go on a nature walk. See all the living things God put on this earth. Being out in nature is very calming and rejuvenating for us.

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  10. jentravis6 says:

    Sit down as a family for at least one meal a day. Make it special by lighting candles and playing pretty music. Let each child share one great thing that happened that day and one challenging thing that happened that day. Enforce a “no interruptions” rule 😊. We also do a gratitude journal at the end of our supper meal and each share 7 things for which we are grateful. It has become such a precious time for my husband and I to hear our kids read those at the end of the day!

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Dara W. says:

    Don’t let fear or anxiety drive your parenting. It will steal your peace, raise up fearful kids, and prevent you from truly enjoying the crazy, wonderful journey. Combat fear with thanksgiving; starting with writing down things you are thankful for. When you pause and reflect on all of the blessings, it reorients you to focus on those things instead of future what ifs. Every moment is meant for blessing.

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Rebekah says:

    Embrace the uniqueness of each child. Try to find that “thing” that makes them tick and nurture their own individual passions be it bugs or ballet, math or music. stop spending time trying to recreate yourself. be a participant in guiding a uniquely fabulous individual blossom into their own person.


  13. Jamie says:

    My favorite parenting tip right now is to make your children have silly contests when they aren’t getting along. Who cam make the other smile or laugh first or who can make the silliest face. . It’s a great distraction and it give them a way to reset. I also require 3 compliments or “put ups” as we call them if there is ever a name called or an insult. And it cannot be about appearance 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  14. Wanda Hernandez says:

    This saved our family…having a ‘quiet time’ every afternoon. All the kids in their rooms w/o technology, only books, dolls, or Legos allowed. I think it started out as nap time and, as they got older and no longer napping, it turned into quiet time. One hour every day! Amazing!! : )

    Liked by 1 person

  15. Mandi says:

    My favorite parenting tip (that encompasses a whole bunch of them) is to look at and go after the heart. Ex. Was this act a sign of warped character or just childish? Was it a sinful heart or just embarrassing to me?

    Liked by 1 person

  16. Crystal says:

    Relax and stop comparing. Your kids aren’t going to be like anyone else’s, neither is your schedule, how you teach, or anything else. Comparing will steal your joy. Do what’s right for you and yours, and kick the comparisons and mama guilt to the curb.

    Liked by 1 person

  17. Allison Henderson says:

    My favorite tip is to follow the “Golden Rule” & treat your child like you would want to be treated.

    “Children human beings just as we are, and behave in accordance to the way they are treated just as we do.” -Jan Hunt

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  18. Launa Bustamante says:

    ‘Be there’ when you talking or playing or interacting with your kids. Treat them like they are as important as the next member in the family. Just because they are small doesn’t mean they are any less of a person.

    Liked by 1 person

  19. Julie Wynn says:

    Ask yourself “Will it matter 10 years from now?” and then make your decision on how firm a stance to take on matters. For example….long hair on boys.

    Liked by 1 person

  20. Elisabeth says:

    I don’t feel that I have any tips for anyone at this stage of parenting–if anything, I still need all the help I can get as a mom of three boys 6 and under! But one thing that HAS really been powerful thus far is owning my mistakes and asking them for forgiveness when I’ve been wrong–unfortunately I have many opportunities to do this!

    Liked by 1 person

  21. Joya says:

    Every stage with a child has good things and not so good things. Enjoy the good things and remind yourself that the not so good things won’t last forever. 😎

    Liked by 1 person

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