Contest #4 – Favorite Parenting Tips

*Contest has ended but the responses are still available in the Comment section.*

Announcing the fourth book giveaway contest from Simple Pleasures Press!  Throughout the month of June 2015, to celebrate the beginning of summer, we’ve been running a series of giveaway contests. This week is the Grand Prize!  The lucky winner will receive one copy of EACH of these five books currently published by Simple Pleasures Press:  A Twaddle-Free Education, The Original Simple Mom’s Idea Book, Habits: The Mother’s Secret to Success, The Outdoor Life of Children, AND Mix-n-Match Recipes!

A Twaddle-Free Education 41rIlTMZdiL Habits The Outdoor Life of Children BookCoverImage

To enter the Grand Prize contest, all you need to do is submit Your Favorite Parenting Tip in the comment section of this blog post. Contest Rules:

  1. Leave a comment on this blog page containing Your Favorite Parenting Tip.  (Only one entry per person will count toward the contest.)  One winner will be chosen at random.
  2. Be sure to fill out the email address section of the comment form so I’ll have a way to contact you if you’re the winner.  (The prize will be sent via snail mail, so when I contact the winner, they’ll need to provide a valid mailing address — but please don’t leave your snail mail address in the comment section!).

So, that’s it.  Easy peasy. Official entries for this giveaway will close at Midnight (Pacific Standard Time) on Friday, June 26th, 2015.  At some point during the day on Saturday, June 27th 2015, I’ll choose a random number using an online random number generator.  Whoever’s entry is located at that number’s spot in the comment list will be the Grand Prize winner!

Remember:  You need to enter your comment and parenting tip between Monday morning (when this blog post went live) and before Midnight of the following Friday to be eligible.  The comment section will remain open indefinitely, however — so people can feel free to share their ideas just for the fun of it — but ONLY those comments posted BEFORE midnight on Friday will be actually entered into the official drawing.

So, are you ready?

Then let’s go! ———->  What’s YOUR favorite parenting tip?


Hope you enjoyed our contests this month!  Have a great summer, everyone!

98 thoughts on “Contest #4 – Favorite Parenting Tips

  1. storyad says:

    Quit comparing yourself to other families. You really are the best parent for your kid and no one knows your child better than you. Believe in your kids one hundred percent even when they don’t believe in themselves.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Andrea M. says:

    Spend “quality” time with your kids! They will remember the memories of being together, playing games, laughing, etc.
    Also, always eat dinner together at the table without electronics! Talk about the day and enjoy each others company! 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Kayra J says:

    Kids only remember the times you spent with them and the memories you made together. So worry less about the trivial things like laundry, cleaning, etc; and spend more time making memories.

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  4. Jackie says:

    If you find yourself angry over something your child did. Take a couple of minutes to yourself (get on Facebook, instagram, read an article, erc) that way you don’t go in angry and yelling. Everyone responds much better when being spoken to instead of being yelled at and you will feel better about it as well.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Khara says:

    Children are happiest when they know their boundaries. So, set them, enforce them, and allow your children the freedom to be a kid who knows they are loved and safe inside their parents’ authority.

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  6. Becky says:

    don’t set the kids up for failure. Make sure they are rested and fed before you try a field trip or tour a historical home and grounds. How many times did I do this to my middle child and then have to deal with an inappropriate melt down. All my fault!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Jennifer M says:

    Always look for the emotion behind the behavior. When a child seems angry about something, it could actually be fear or frustration, but to try to power through it they act angry.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. abolch1986 says:

    Everyday is a blessing.. so treat it like one. Your children are only small for such a short time. Enjoy them. Don’t be a “no” mom. Sometimes the most fun you have with your children is when you say YES! even when you didn’t feel like it to start.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. LIZ G says:

    Remember that your children are human beings with a soul. They can understand the gospel more than we give them credit for. The need grace not to preform well.

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  10. Liza Buenaventura says:

    For kids, they spell “L-O-V-E” as “Quantity Time”. But as for me and my house, “we will always serve the Lord by spending quantity and quality time with each other so it will overflow to others. 🙂

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  11. izzysmom says:

    Don’t hold the expectation that you must have everything figured out NOW! You learn as you go along and you will make mistakes but you will also have moments where you hit the nail on the head! By giving grace to yourself as you learn you will discover what works for your family and what does not without the stress to be perfect.

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Cathy says:

    Sometimes, all it takes to stop an endless day of bickering and whining is for mom to stop, hold her kids and do something special with them. My volatile 3 year old is also the easiest one to redirect with some extra loving.

    Liked by 1 person

  13. T ruud says:

    This is probably a controversial subject here, but my favorite parenting tip is STOP telling your kids good job and praising them for every accomplishment. Let your children find out themselves that they did “a good job”. It will be better for their confidence in he end when they realize they don’t need approval from others to have a sense of self worth.
    My son says, “what does good even mean”

    Liked by 1 person

  14. Nicole Varner says:

    By a great friend who teaches by child
    Led- Quit trying to teach your children so traditionally. Not all children follow the same educational path. This was huge parenting advice as well as homeschooling and helped lead me to the Charlotte Mason style.

    Liked by 1 person

  15. Heather Lillie says:

    God gives a lot of grace to fill in the gaps of our failures. Our kids will remember the joyful memories not the messy house. An honest circle of like minded
    Mamas is a huge help!

    Liked by 1 person

  16. Mandy says:

    Stop trying to do it all! Enjoy your kids while you can!! You’ll never regret letting the dishes soak, the laundry wrinkle or the beds go unmade…enjoy the sweaty snuggles, the cheesy grins & the chaos of it all! ❤️

    Liked by 1 person

  17. Maxine N says:

    Be confident in your parenting choices! No one else knows your kids, your goals, and your values like you do. I guess this kind of goes along with not comparing. Make your choices and then own them!

    Liked by 1 person

  18. Bethany Robbins says:

    I’m teaching my children to say “yes mom, apeal” when they’d rather shout “no!!”. This still gives them the chance to acknowlegde me and be respectful but it shows me that they have a different idea. I want to hear their plans and comprimise whenever I can!!

    Liked by 1 person

  19. Marcy Benedict says:

    When I pick up my son from school I ask him open-ended questions. For instance, “what was your favorite thing about today” or “on a scale of 1-10, how would you rate your school day?” And then ask why. These questions foster some good conversations.

    Liked by 1 person

  20. Stacey says:

    Always be willing to be flexible. Life may not be how you “planned”, you may not have the child you thought you would, or be the mom you thought you would be. You may encounter tough challenges that are beyond what you ever dreamed you could handle…but you will and you will thrive & become a parent that is perfectly suited for your children.

    Liked by 1 person

  21. Bonnie Welch says:

    Spend your time with your kids and let them get dirty. There is time to worry about a clean house later. They will know how important they are if you take time to play.

    Liked by 1 person

  22. Stephani V says:

    Slow down, pray for wisdom on how to spend your time that day. This has de-stessed my life as a mom (and wife) in so many ways. I no longer feel the burden of doing too much (most of the time, because it’s a journey!) and not doing parenting or really anything else well. It bleeds into every part of life, but since most of my time is spent with my kids, it really has an effect on my relationship with the kids!

    Liked by 1 person

  23. Jamie Clark says:

    Besides all those wonderful ideas from the comments above mine is more practical than anything. I like to have a set of earplugs in the car. I can still hear them talking to each other it’s just not as loud. It takes the edge off of long trips.

    Liked by 1 person

  24. Jennifer says:

    Always trust your heart. No matter what advice a friend or relative give you, if you disagree, do what feels right in your heart. That is probably the best choice for you & your child.

    Liked by 1 person

  25. Tara says:

    Have a good routine so the kids know what to expect. Also, give a 5 minute warning before changing activities. It will save you from unnecessary meltdowns.

    Liked by 1 person

  26. Kathy B. says:

    Let your kids play with play doh and finger paints. Let them play outside in the dirt. Don’t worry about messes. Too many parents worry about keeping everything clean and perfect.

    Liked by 1 person

  27. shel says:

    Each child if different. What works with one won’t necessarily work for another. This applies to homeschooling as well! And don’t forget to slow down and enjoy the simple moments. Don’t over schedule

    Liked by 1 person

  28. Gina Thatcher says:

    Enjoy the little things. Watch your child play, play with your child and cherish the laughter, smiles and memories made with them. Don’t miss out on them being kids, it won’t last forever!

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